In Unending Crisis, Thomas Graham Jr. examines the second Bush administration’s misguided management of foreign policy, the legacy of which has been seven major – and almost irresolvable – national security crises involving North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, the Arab-Israeli conflict in Palestine, and nuclear proliferation. Unending Crisis considers these issues individually and together, emphasizing their interrelationship and delineating the role that the neoconservative agenda played in redefining the way America is perceived in the world today.
As a U.S. ambassador, THOMAS GRAHAM JR. was involved in the negotiation of major arms control agreements over the course of nearly 30 years. His publications include Common Sense on Weapons of Mass Destruction, Cornerstones of Security: Arms Control Treaties in the Nuclear Era, Disarmament Sketches: Three Decades of Arms Control and International Law, and Spy Satellites and Other Intelligence Technologies That Changed History.
“A concise, well-written, and thoroughly documented account of how our country lost its moorings over the last decade, Unending Crisisis a must read for all concerned about the role of the United States in a changing world.”
-Lt. General (USA Ret.) Robert Gard, former president of the National Defense University
“A book of solid good sense and keen vision from one of our most experienced, dedicated diplomats.”
-Richard Rhodes, author of the Pulitzer-Prize-winning The Making of the Atomic Bombm and The Twilight of the Bombs
“Ambassador Graham has written an authoritative and detailed account of the tortuous international negotiations over nuclear policy and how opportunities were squandered.”
-General Lord Charles Guthrie, former chief of the UK Defense Staff
“Political leaders and all those seeking to understand the complex history of nuclear diplomacy and attempts to limit the proliferation of weapons should read this book.”
-Sir Ronald Grierson, chairman, Blackstone International Advisory Board